Friday, August 22, 2008 /11:51 PM
Finally its alive again!!!!!!Had been really busy this few weeks and months. I'm trying my best to cope with my work and believe me, it's not easy. Kind of changing my mind set of being tired, the mind is a powerful gift from heaven and I should make good use of it. I'm just gonna say a few things... have not been blogging... hehe... gome ne.... ^_^''
Firstly, I would like to thank for all of the wishes that my family and friends gave me on my day, thank you so much for the gifts and I just want them to know that I appreciate it a lot.
Next, EXAMS!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! .............. -_-'' Had my O Level English language Oral yesterday and it was about children. The exterminator also did mention about mother's juggling their work and their family... I had no problems in what I want to tell, but sentencing everything together was a slight problem.
Sat for Science (Phy/Chem) Practical this morning. It was pretty good and I think I did much better then my mock test which I failed badly... "don't want to talk about it"
*depression mode* //o_o\\
I've been staying for night classes these few weeks... it is very fruitful, tiring though... I've at least understand my work better and able to recall what I've learnt before...
I'm just worried whether it is enough to get me through the exams...
I'm much focus in English lessons, not that I don't before, its just that I want to learn more.
Next, Art is killing me!!!!!!!!! Next Monday is my dead line!!!! and I've not completed it, I've left with 30% more to deal with.....! I'm doomed!!! Prelim Art exam is next Friday!!! I'm really dead for sure.... this is a hard time for me, really!!!!
Anyway, I've pass my Grade 4 piano exams!!!! Hooray!!!! no more worries n_n
ok gotta get back with my work...
♥ みちよ
Friday, August 8, 2008 /10:50 PM
Beijing 2008 Olympic GamesThe Bird's nest
It took them 4 years to built this magnificent stadium.
Watched the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games opening and it was spectacular!
China has showed the world how capable and brilliant they are. Above all, it shows how strong their culture is and how much manpower (which are all well trained) they have.
I was very amazed by their performance.
This morning we celebrated national day in school and outside of school -_-;
School started at 8.30am so we didn't need to wake up that early *Hooray*
However the sun was just so torching that most of us couldn't stand it.
At around 11am all of the students set of to their located area for "Connect Singapore" which is for some kind of donation or some thing.
It was a horrible I tell you!!! HORRIBLE!!!!
Stayed back with YJ later on for art, we were like one of the few students who remained in school, I thank her for her company.
Tomorrow's Singapore's 43rd Birthday and My Daddy's Birthday!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!To my dad.Thank you for everything you had showered me with. There are bad and good times...No matter what your love is unconditionally wonderful. You helped me grow,You gave me knowledge,You taught me to be wise,you shared with me your experiences and furthermore you nurtured me. I wish you good health, longevity and wealth. Once again, I thank you for everything you had done and given me. I Love You... <<33
♥ みちよ
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 /9:57 PM
Here's one of my coursework which Zong Jin took unknowingly.
I've been spending a lot of time with and art these few weeks, I'm kind of a rush now because what I've done during the June holidays were wasted. Two of my computer work can't be used anymore, due to some changes and the ugliness.
I'm really trying my best and I'm really hoping I could get an A1 this time.
But it is not easy... there are others who are way better than I am.
BTW, do you see the purple transparent thingy. It would be my new copyright design for now. ^^
♥ みちよ